Saturday, August 1, 2009

More Bavaria

What an unbelievable part of Germany! The scenery is incredible, although it is the toughest riding we have had yet. It reminds me of crossing the Appalachian mountains as far as the grades and lengths of the climbs. We have lowered our daily mileage to about 60 clicks the last two days because we have gotten so tired by mid-day. Last night we camped on top of a mountain and today we are hotelling it in Heraldstadt. We will probably bike about two more days and then get on a train to Lugano to visit Vic Rush, aka Big Vic.

Note on the Germans in this region: In general, an extremely friendly people. They really get a kick out of my attempts to speak German. I am sure I am really butchering it, but they smile and answer in German. There have been many instances in these small towns we are travelling through that it has come in handy, since some of the locals speak little or no English.

On a trip of this length, it is pretty easy to piss off your travelling companion. My latest aggravating thing I am doing to Jordan is answering all her questions in German. Sometimes I just make up words that sound like German to keep it going. She says we need to go to Spain so she can aggravate me in similar fashion. I replied, "Nein, danke!"

1 comment:

  1. I loved the video clip. Keep them coming. I;d love to see a video of you talking to Jordan in German and her responding in Spanish!


