Thursday, July 16, 2009

Reims, France

We have had two tough days since Paris. The champagne region is very hilly... great for growing grapes, but tiring if biking. We have not done near the mileage I expected to so in about two hours we are going to try to hop a train to Sedan, and then ride to my cousin Paul's cousin, Lise. She is at her summer place in the Ardenne forest in Belgium. Her friend, Eric, is going to take us around to Bastogne and other WW II sites.

Yesterday we passed by several WWI cemetaries. I don't know much about that conflict except that we are riding through the infamous "Western Front". A lot of boys cut down at a very young age. I will post pictures later.

1 comment:

  1. Mole - It sounds like the hilly terrain in Reims has reamed you! I wish you well hopping the train and look forward to your next post.

    Jordan rocks!


